On 16th September 2021 there was a CMI workshop on Numerical Modelling for Electromagnetic Field Interaction with Aerosol Particles and on Real-world Optical Measurements of Aerosol Particles.… Read More

Two International workshops were held in November 2020 and June 2021. The first an International workshop on X-ray fundamental parameters and the second on Initiative on Fundamental Parameters. More information can be found here.… Read More

Klemen Bučar of the Jožef Stefan Institute and Jiří Šperka of the Czech Metrology Institute gave two oral presentations at the online conference OpenAlt 2021 organized on 6th November 2021. Klemen presented about calibration of a DIY Low-cost Aerosol Detector and Jiří presented about metrology of aerosol particles and AEROMET II project. Conference website can… Read More

Reliable compositional analysis of airborne particulate matter beyond the quantification limits of total reflection X-ray fluorescence In this work, the reliability of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis for providing information on the absolute chemical composition of airborne particulate matter collected in a size fractionated manner by means of cascade impactors is investigated. It is… Read More